I will be auditioning for a talent agency on Saturday the 18th, in Beverley Hills California!
Finally, after months of telling myself I wanted to pursue this, I am actually doing it!
Wish me luck on my venture into the movies and onto the runway [:
So, maybe I don't get picked up, maybe I fall flat on my face. So what?! At least I will have had given it a try! Right? Well, I'm really excited and I have a positive attitude about the entire thing.
Truthfully, I would love to talk to my high school drama teacher before I go, but I'm nervous about what he may say. My positive attitude is something I want to maintain, and having him give his input may not be the best way to make sure that happens. He's good at being honest, not always about being gentle. I respect that, and because of that I am really conflicted about going to see him. I might give him a call on Saturday before the audition, or after.
We'll see.
On another note! I'm trying very hard to get out of my box, I want to start dating, I don't know HOW, but I want to. I think, knowing me, I need a guidebook, that sounds awful and anti-social, but that's how I handle situations.
What do you think? Ha! A bit much? Well maybe, something a bit more subtle is the way to go:
Regardless, I am ready to get out there and start..I don't know...Hob-nobbing? Mingling?
Toodle-loo for now, I'm off to get some shut eye before the A.M. and a day of school. (Thought these are two classes I pretty much enjoy)
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